
HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.

“With a price under the 200€ this graphic card is really interesting. It is a performance product (mid-range product) for AMD but with the quality of this model it can fight the HD7870 or 660Ti from NVIDIA. The silence – due to the IceQ – is a real plus essentially for the temperature of the GPU allowing some good overclocking to increase performances without spending money. So, all actual games can be played with some tweaking on the settings. To conclude, this HIS card offer a good performance/price ratio and we recommend it !”
Zeden.net - "Very Good" Award

"The card has remained quite cool after more than 42 mintes of Heaven 4.0 at the 2560x1440 with all filters applied (58 degrees Celsius). The fan did only raise at about 43%, while preserving low noise levels. We found interesting is when the fan has reached a rotation speed of about 3000RPM, a vibration is induced into the whole assembly making the card a little bit noisier than when it runs with about 3200RPM. We have seen a similar behavior with a Palit card in the past but the card should reach this fan speed only when the surrounded area is not properly cooled. The cooling system is also to be appreciated because it removes the hot air that travels through the fins directly outside the case and does not permit hot air recirculation."
Madshrimps.be - Recommended Value Product
The HD7850 IceQ Turbo (model name: H785QT2G2M) is rated 5 out of 5.
"The HD7850 is also shown very docile as the core frequency is increased to 1180MHz and the memory at 1400MHz. The cooling system is really efficient, which allows this increase in frequency."
"Very impressive and that in another because the system cooling HIS house. It is composed of four pipes, two 6mm and two 8mm, which are in direct contact with the graphics chip..."
One extra PWM phase, good cooling and good overclocking are the reason of this good rating.
OverClex - Rated 5 out of 5

「它不仅拥有很强的3D性能,而且还具备很好的散热性能…而在噪音、功能耗等测试中,它也具备较好的表现,是一款综合性能较强、面面俱到的王者。」 《微型计算机》 - 编辑选择
"It not only has a strong 3D performance, but also a good heat dissipation...for noise, functionality consumption, etc., it also has better and stronger overall performance." MicroComputer - Editor's Choice

「这是一款极具特点的产品,它最大的亮点在于具备HIS独家的"黑洞抽风"散热技术,是显卡全面散热的典范设计…很多玩家都难免动心想将其收入囊中。」 《微型计算机》 - 年度风云产品
"It is very characteristic, the biggest spot of it is HIS exclusive "Black Hole Impeller" cooling technology, which is an excellent design for perfect cooling of the card...a lot of game-players will absolutely want this card." MicroComputer - Product of the Year

"The HIS HD 7850 IceQ Turbo 2GB GDDR5 Video Card is one of the best all around video cards on the planet. Price vs. performance is outstanding!" 3D GameMan - Kickass Gameman's Choice
"Power draw was fantastic as well...At maximum load, the whole system used only 186 W. At idle, the Zero Core technology helped kick that number down to just 53W. Both of these tests act as testimonies to the amazingly power efficient Pitcairn Pro GPUs...Just because the GPU sips power doesn’t mean HIS skimped on cooling. In fact, the new IceQ cooler comes attached is nothing short of a beast. Its quad heatpipes and large vortex fan helped the GPU sit at a chilly 23°C on idle, and just 53°C under maximum load. Noise wasn’t an issue at all either as the fan managed to keep itself to a low hum even under full load overclocked...Overall though, you can’t really go wrong with the HIS Radeon HD 7850 IceQ Turbo 2GB. Highly recommended!" Custom PC Review - Awesome Award "Gold"

"It comes as no surprise to us that HIS has put together a strong video card here. The IceQ series has always been strong and this iteration is no different with the IceQ cooler doing its job perfectly. You can see even with the core bumped up to 1000MHz, we manage to still see very strong numbers in both the temperature area while this isn't coming at the cost of noise." TweakTown - Editor's Choice Award

"Overall I feel we have a solid card on our hands. Superior and quieter cooling over reference, a hefty overclock out of the box, and better power bits. As we listed above, pricing at Newegg.com for this model is $229.99. That price point puts it towards the top of all available HD 7850′s, but $40 below the highest priced model (Asus DCUII v2 @ $269.99 – now has free Far Cry 3). I have to admit I wish the price would be a bit lower as you can find models with aftermarket coolers for less that can produce a lot of the results this card can.
Again, HIS has put a solid offering out in the mid-range segment with this IceQ Turbo HD 7850. Even though the price is higher than other models, with the cooler and better power parts than most models, it should be a consideration in the crowded mid range segment. This card is Overclockers.com approved!" Overclockers.com - Approved

"The HIS 7850 IceQ Turbo is a big card in several regards, not only in physical size but particularly in gaming value. It’s an excellent product, and with an innovative and class-leading accessory audio bundle, this one’s a winner, both as a single card and in CrossFire." PureOverclock - Great Value